Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Official -- Holiday Leftovers are the Best

So I was eating dinner about an hour ago, and right now I regret not taking a picture of the spectacular plate of leftovers, filling up every inch of the plate. This plate was gorgeous, and consisted of:

  • Pork Roast
  • Turkey
  • Ham
  • 2 Twice-Baked Potatoes (family recipe, absolutely orgasmic)
  • Green Bean Casserole
  • Baked Ziti (with little bits of ground beef, which is amazing)

So I'm heating it all up in the microwave, and you know you have a lot of food when it's not frozen and in the microwave for about 4 minutes, and I realized how wonderful leftovers are. It then came to my realization that whoever came up with the idea of reheating food was a genius. Don't stand there and act like it's always been done -- at some point, months after most homes in America had a microwave or conventional oven, people didn't have Tupperware containers and just assumed "cook food, and whatever is left just throw away because it's no longer good." I'm sure some genius said "let me make this plastic container, seal up whatever left over food we have (the good stuff) and store it in the refrigerator to heat up in my brand new microwave tomorrow night, will be great because I don't want to cook tomorrow."

 And so that idea grew like a virus, and everyone did this. Tales of this man spread throughout the West, but along the way the story changed and the name changed, and once Tupperware reached the Islands of Hawaii nobody knew or gave a crap who came up with the idea. His name was forever forgotten... but whoever invented Tupperware is a genius. Possibly the smartest man ever. I hope he became a billionaire off the item and this 90 year old man is sitting on a beach in Australia drinking a margarita surrounded by hot pieces of 22 year old model ass.

(P.S. I even searched Google for images of leftovers to try to give you guys something, but could not find a plate with even half the shit I had on my plate. That's how fantastic this plate of food was. I'll make sure to take a picture after Easter.)

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