Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Attention All in NYC Area -- Greatest Cheesecake Ever

This is pretty much a continuation of my glorification of Tupperware and Leftovers, and it's pretty much Part 3: Cheesecake.

So on Christmas Eve when one side of the family was over, my grandparents brought this huge cheesecake and I swear it was the creamiest, most delicate cheesecake I have ever eaten. It was so perfect, not crumbly in the middle, very moist, and a nice, slightly crunch crust on the outside. Only me and two other people had a small slice of this on Friday Night. On Saturday night when the other side of the family was over, my dad thought it would be a genius idea to bring out this delicious cheesecake for my scoundrel family to demolish. They ate about 2/3 of the cake, leaving me extremely pissed off and also very protective of the cheesecake. I even was telling my relatives as they were leaving and grabbing food to take home "Well we got plenty of cookies, pie, turkey and potatoes for you to take home... You can take anything you want, except for the Cheesecake. That is OFF LIMITS!"

So the clock now turns to this past Sunday Night. No Sunday Night Football because Roger Goodell is a pansy, and that dump of a city called Philadelphia declared a state of emergency BEFORE the Blizzard hit, and all I had to do was eat a big chunk of the remaining cheesecake. Oh, it was remarkable. And while Eating it I realized I had to find the address of this place. Luckily my grandparents received the cheesecake as a gift from a friend, and it was SHIPPED to their house (which amazes me. I wouldn't want that package accidentally getting flipped over) and had a return address on it. Return address didn't help, but the box ALSO had the address of the bakery. They must have had it shipped to their residence before shipping it to my grandparents. So without further a due, here is the address:

S&S Cheesecake
222 West 238th Street
New York, NY - 10463

To order Online: http://www.sscheesecake.com/NewYorkStyle.html

This cheesecake is so good, I can't help but tie it in to a TV show. Does anybody remember the episode of Friends called "The One With All the Cheesecake"? To give the quick run-down, a neighbor of theirs, who is basically described to appear as a little old lady, has a cheesecake ordered to her apartment. Chandler walks by, sees it by the door, and steals it. He finishes it, and a few days later steals another one. Him and Rachel become so overwhelmed by the cheesecake, they continue to eat the stolen cheesecakes and don't tell their friends, because according to Chandler it is "too delicious".

If there was a "perfect cheesecake", this Cheesecake at S&S is the one.

By the way, isn't that just like the greatest image of Rachel? 

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