Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fallout: New Vegas is Annoying

So I got Fallout: New Vegas for Christmas and after playing it for 3 days I'm just pissed off with the game. It takes way too much time out of my life, because I'm wandering through the wastelands of Nevada. There's so little direction in this game. They just tell you something and expect you to know how to get from one place to other. When you start off they're explaining and showing you tips on how to fire a gun and how to move... but they fail to explain how to navigate through or even access the maps, navigation screen to find weapons and aid tools, etc.

Next, after playing the game I went online and found out that people spend hundreds of hours playing this game before even beating it, and I just don't have nearly enough attention span to accomplish that. So next on my list of issues was very simple -- mutated animals are like impossible to kill. You basically have to complete quests and kill stuff to move up levels that make you stronger and able to do more shit. I've completed like 6 or 7 quests now, have been stuck in these dinky little powerless towns in the middle of nowhere. The game is titled New Vegas yet I've come nowhere close to actually entering the town of New Vegas. So I gave up on the dumb quests and decided a little while ago "I'm just going to walk to this New Vegas anyhow." So I'm walking along and I'm killing some assholes along the road. I'm about a quarter mile away from my destination when out of nowhere some mutation out of hell called a Deathclaw beats the shit out of me. I put about 30 .20 gauges into the damn thing and it still killed me. So I give it another shot two more times, with no avail. So finally I come to my senses and decide to try and walk around the damn thing, off the road, by bushes and trees. I'm getting by and doing pretty good when 500 feet after passing this piece of shit (which btw was like a crossover of a fucking Utahraptor and a badass from Gears of War 2.) a SECOND one appears and kicks my ass. So I gave up on my mission. Because I only had enough shotgun rounds to kill one of 'em, not two -- and knowing my luck there were probably 2 more along the road ahead.

Bloodmount from Gears of War 2

Prehistoric Utahraptor

Deathclaw (AKA . Mutation from Hell)

So after I turned my 360 off in a fit of rage, I turned on AMC to find Road House, only like, the greatest movie ever made. And I suddenly realized the movie perfectly symbolized how I felt about Fallout New Vegas. Road House is basically about Patrick Swayze being a total badass. He's in a strange town, knows nobody, and everybody wants to kick his ass. He always comes out on top, yet whenever he wins a fight he turns around and meets more assholes who are tougher and more prepared and more pissed off that want to kick his ass. 

But really, what kind of game throws around the name New Vegas (the post-apocalyptic equivalent of what remains of Las Vegas) and keeps you going for hours without even being in New Vegas? It's like the TRON Movies -- Two movies named after a character named Tron yet you almost never see Tron in the movies. Like seriously, what is up with that shit? 

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