Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dreams Suck Sometimes

So I had a dream last night, and it felt absolutely so real. In fact it felt so real, I woke up this morning feeling like someone had performed Inception on me because I woke up believing something that most likely won't happen until late June-early July.

I had the absolute most realist dream, and of course as a Knicks fan this not being a reality makes me die a little bit inside, that late last night the New York Knicks traded for Carmelo Anthony of the Denver Nuggets and actually didn't give up A TON to get him. In the dream they traded Gallinari, Anthony Randolph, a 1st round draft pick and Eddy Curry. It felt too real. Part of the dream even included reading different columnists' thoughts on the trade on Twitter. In the dream, I then went onto Facebook to make a sarcastic comment about the trade saying that the New York Mets traded multiple prospects to the Colorado Rockies to help the Knicks make the Melo trade.

It's like somebody went three stages into my dream world.

Stage 1 -- Hearing the breaking news of the Melo trade on ESPN/SportsCenter. This alerted me of the idea.
Stage 2 -- Reading about it on Twitter, making the idea feel possible and real.
Stage 3 -- Making a comment on Facebook. It's something I would do in real life -- and thus, the idea was planted deep inside my mind and I awoke actually believing it happened.

So I woke up feeling this shit actually happened. I sat there watching Sportscenter for 40 minutes this morning and was confused why they weren't talking about it. And then it struck me like a 2x4 to the head.

So i died a little bit more inside today. And what will be icing on the cake is the Nets somehow make the trade for Melo and he signs the extension.

Melo, please just wait until the season is over.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spider Man Musical Actress Quits

The web of problems surrounding the Broadway production ofSpider-Man: Turn Off the Darkjust got more complicated: Lead actress Natalie Mendoza – who plays nemesis spider Arachne – quit the musical, the New York Daily News reports. 

Her departure from the show – which is the most expensive production in Broadway history – follows a series of safety setbacks. During rehearsals, two stunt doubles were injured during flying sequences, and top aerial stuntman, Christopher Tierney, fell 30 feet at a preview performance. 

Mendoza herself was injured onstage: The actress, 30, suffered a concussion the first night of previews when she was hit in the head by stage equipment. She last performed Dec. 20 – the night the audience packed in the Foxwoods Theatre watched Tierney, 31, fall into the orchestra pit. 

Who is funding this musical and why haven't they cut it loose already? The top aerial stuntman fell 30 feet. The man almost died for crying out loud. I honestly am shocked nobody has stepped in and stopped this musical once and for all for obvious safety hazards. The woman suffered a concussion because stage equipment fell. I guess the tech guys are on vacation? Good, they can stay on vacation. This musical is an absolute tragedy. I actually want to buy a ticket for this show -- although it's probably incredibly expensive given it being the most expensive broadway show -- just so I can see somebody plummet 45 feet and break their spine. I know it sucks to hope for injury -- I'm not hoping for injury, I'm just expecting it -- And I want to be there when the world of Spider Man comes crashing down to earth. I want a video camera in my hand so I can post it on this blog immediately. That'll attract some new viewers here.  ;)

The News Sucks

I ventured onto, because MSNBC's website is garbage and FoxNews is full of jackasses who just want to rip on Obama and blame Bush's fuck-up on the black man, and on CNN I see two headlines - Some article about Obama and the Republicans (because we have nothing else to read, apparently), and NYC Airports reopening. Yet the big story everybody should know about, is that in Detroit, Michigan a building exploded and workers are trying to rescue two people who are trapped underneath the rubble.

Yes, that is shockingly NOT the top story on their website, but rather listed in tiny print under "latest news".

Then of course 5 bullets down that "latest news" story, is the headline "Ticker: Bill Clinton gets a warning". WTF does that mean? What kind of warning is he getting? The man got his winky waxed by a slut when he was still in office and I recall him practically getting a slap on the wrist and probably a bunch of discrete High-Fives from pimps all around the country. So I read the article and it's a short little blurb about how a Democrat running for office in Chicago, Illinois is pissed that a former president is going to stop in the Windy City to back up a different candidate for Mayor of Chicago. Why do I and millions of other Americans give two shits about a mayoral candidate being a little pussy and issuing a "warning" to a man who was once America's president.

Northeast Blizzard will force cities to cut other Public Services

CNN -- Dealing with the storm could cost Danbury $450,000, more than half the city's snow removal budget for the entire winter, Boughton said. The fact that it fell on a Sunday helped drive up the costs because the crews got double-time.

Cities, counties and states are now totaling the financial damage of the holiday weekend blizzard that blanketed much of the East Coast. Most had to call in their entire public works departments, as well as hire outside contractors.
Virginia residents saw the after-effects of several major storms last winter. The state Department of Transportation, which maintains most of the highways and roads, had to spend more than $250 million on snow removal, far above the $94 million budgeted, said spokesman Jeff Caldwell.
As a result, the state had to cut back on non-priority maintenance, such as grass cutting and tree trimming. Instead of mowing the entire highway medians six times a year, for instance, workers only did it twice and only cut 10 feet on each side.
Basically the article suggests that cities can't afford a tough winter, and they may not hire enough people to properly clear the streets. Are you joking? Is this not the United States of America? We call ourselves the greatest country on Earth, but the only ones who float around the streats yelling that out are idiots who have never left this country. They probably refuse to cross to the other half of Niagra Falls. 
Look, this country isn't that great. We can't even afford to plow snow off our roads. I don't get why CNN bothers with this article. It won't change anything. They'll go over the budget because they have to. They can't just send out a message over the televisions and radios saying "By the way, we're broke so if you want to get somewhere, throw on some skis or strap a sled to your dogs."
I live literally 5 minutes away from Danbury, CT. I'm not quite sure where that $450,000 went. I saw city trucks on the roads early Sunday afternoon when there was still only a dusting on the ground. Get your shit together and maybe you can cut your costs back. I live in a town next door called New Fairfield. I heard on my lovely fire radio (one of the Asst. Chief's plows roads for the town as well) that some jackass  working for the town was pushing snow into the middle of one of the main roads, and the pile got up to about 10 feet, so the fire officer saw it and reported it to the dispatcher. It's not the snow to blame, it's the jackasses hired to remove it. 

Believe me when I say it's not just my town and neighboring towns with this issue, it's all of them. There's a reason why people in the upper mid-west will tell you they get this kind of shit snow storms on a weekly basis and have no problems with it. They know how to drive in the weather, and their local crews know when and how to plow it properly to maintain costs. 

Dude in SC Plays Real-Life Frogger -- Gets hit by SUV

Clemson, S.C.A man has been hospitalized after police in South Carolina say he was hit by an SUV while playing a real-life version of the video game “Frogger.” Authorities said the 23-year-old man was taken to a hospital in Anderson after he was struck at around 9 p.m. Monday. In the “Frogger” arcade game, players move frogs through traffic on a busy road and through a hazard-filled river. Before he was hit, police say the man had been discussing the game with his friends. Chief Jimmy Dixon says the man yelled “go” and darted into oncoming traffic in the four-lane highway.

And I thought I had some serious balls. 

I mean seriously, did the man lose a bet or is he just retarded? Maybe he watched TRON: Legacy this past weekend and thought this is what being stuck in the world of Frogger would be like. Maybe he thought he could practice real-life frogger to prepare for life inside a video game. I mean they're trying to develop holographic movies to be use-able within 5 years from now, so who knows how close we are to accidentally getting stuck inside of a video game with cars speeding by. Heck I don't blame him, just like him I've been preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse by watching The Walking Dead series and reading the novel Zombie Survival Guide (sarcasm, I don't read... ). 

This man would be hit on a daily basis if he lived in Manhattan. I dont live in Manhattan and rarely go there, but when I do to see the occasional Knicks game and having to walk from Grand Central Station, I know I can cross the street with cars and buses zipping by, not caring if they hit you. They won't stop, they never will stop. Ever seen the intro to Shaft? My bets are on that scene was never staged, but just filmed from a fire escape in the middle of the city. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Attention All in NYC Area -- Greatest Cheesecake Ever

This is pretty much a continuation of my glorification of Tupperware and Leftovers, and it's pretty much Part 3: Cheesecake.

So on Christmas Eve when one side of the family was over, my grandparents brought this huge cheesecake and I swear it was the creamiest, most delicate cheesecake I have ever eaten. It was so perfect, not crumbly in the middle, very moist, and a nice, slightly crunch crust on the outside. Only me and two other people had a small slice of this on Friday Night. On Saturday night when the other side of the family was over, my dad thought it would be a genius idea to bring out this delicious cheesecake for my scoundrel family to demolish. They ate about 2/3 of the cake, leaving me extremely pissed off and also very protective of the cheesecake. I even was telling my relatives as they were leaving and grabbing food to take home "Well we got plenty of cookies, pie, turkey and potatoes for you to take home... You can take anything you want, except for the Cheesecake. That is OFF LIMITS!"

So the clock now turns to this past Sunday Night. No Sunday Night Football because Roger Goodell is a pansy, and that dump of a city called Philadelphia declared a state of emergency BEFORE the Blizzard hit, and all I had to do was eat a big chunk of the remaining cheesecake. Oh, it was remarkable. And while Eating it I realized I had to find the address of this place. Luckily my grandparents received the cheesecake as a gift from a friend, and it was SHIPPED to their house (which amazes me. I wouldn't want that package accidentally getting flipped over) and had a return address on it. Return address didn't help, but the box ALSO had the address of the bakery. They must have had it shipped to their residence before shipping it to my grandparents. So without further a due, here is the address:

S&S Cheesecake
222 West 238th Street
New York, NY - 10463

To order Online:

This cheesecake is so good, I can't help but tie it in to a TV show. Does anybody remember the episode of Friends called "The One With All the Cheesecake"? To give the quick run-down, a neighbor of theirs, who is basically described to appear as a little old lady, has a cheesecake ordered to her apartment. Chandler walks by, sees it by the door, and steals it. He finishes it, and a few days later steals another one. Him and Rachel become so overwhelmed by the cheesecake, they continue to eat the stolen cheesecakes and don't tell their friends, because according to Chandler it is "too delicious".

If there was a "perfect cheesecake", this Cheesecake at S&S is the one.

By the way, isn't that just like the greatest image of Rachel? 

It's Official -- Holiday Leftovers are the Best

So I was eating dinner about an hour ago, and right now I regret not taking a picture of the spectacular plate of leftovers, filling up every inch of the plate. This plate was gorgeous, and consisted of:

  • Pork Roast
  • Turkey
  • Ham
  • 2 Twice-Baked Potatoes (family recipe, absolutely orgasmic)
  • Green Bean Casserole
  • Baked Ziti (with little bits of ground beef, which is amazing)

So I'm heating it all up in the microwave, and you know you have a lot of food when it's not frozen and in the microwave for about 4 minutes, and I realized how wonderful leftovers are. It then came to my realization that whoever came up with the idea of reheating food was a genius. Don't stand there and act like it's always been done -- at some point, months after most homes in America had a microwave or conventional oven, people didn't have Tupperware containers and just assumed "cook food, and whatever is left just throw away because it's no longer good." I'm sure some genius said "let me make this plastic container, seal up whatever left over food we have (the good stuff) and store it in the refrigerator to heat up in my brand new microwave tomorrow night, will be great because I don't want to cook tomorrow."

 And so that idea grew like a virus, and everyone did this. Tales of this man spread throughout the West, but along the way the story changed and the name changed, and once Tupperware reached the Islands of Hawaii nobody knew or gave a crap who came up with the idea. His name was forever forgotten... but whoever invented Tupperware is a genius. Possibly the smartest man ever. I hope he became a billionaire off the item and this 90 year old man is sitting on a beach in Australia drinking a margarita surrounded by hot pieces of 22 year old model ass.

(P.S. I even searched Google for images of leftovers to try to give you guys something, but could not find a plate with even half the shit I had on my plate. That's how fantastic this plate of food was. I'll make sure to take a picture after Easter.)

Fallout: New Vegas is Annoying

So I got Fallout: New Vegas for Christmas and after playing it for 3 days I'm just pissed off with the game. It takes way too much time out of my life, because I'm wandering through the wastelands of Nevada. There's so little direction in this game. They just tell you something and expect you to know how to get from one place to other. When you start off they're explaining and showing you tips on how to fire a gun and how to move... but they fail to explain how to navigate through or even access the maps, navigation screen to find weapons and aid tools, etc.

Next, after playing the game I went online and found out that people spend hundreds of hours playing this game before even beating it, and I just don't have nearly enough attention span to accomplish that. So next on my list of issues was very simple -- mutated animals are like impossible to kill. You basically have to complete quests and kill stuff to move up levels that make you stronger and able to do more shit. I've completed like 6 or 7 quests now, have been stuck in these dinky little powerless towns in the middle of nowhere. The game is titled New Vegas yet I've come nowhere close to actually entering the town of New Vegas. So I gave up on the dumb quests and decided a little while ago "I'm just going to walk to this New Vegas anyhow." So I'm walking along and I'm killing some assholes along the road. I'm about a quarter mile away from my destination when out of nowhere some mutation out of hell called a Deathclaw beats the shit out of me. I put about 30 .20 gauges into the damn thing and it still killed me. So I give it another shot two more times, with no avail. So finally I come to my senses and decide to try and walk around the damn thing, off the road, by bushes and trees. I'm getting by and doing pretty good when 500 feet after passing this piece of shit (which btw was like a crossover of a fucking Utahraptor and a badass from Gears of War 2.) a SECOND one appears and kicks my ass. So I gave up on my mission. Because I only had enough shotgun rounds to kill one of 'em, not two -- and knowing my luck there were probably 2 more along the road ahead.

Bloodmount from Gears of War 2

Prehistoric Utahraptor

Deathclaw (AKA . Mutation from Hell)

So after I turned my 360 off in a fit of rage, I turned on AMC to find Road House, only like, the greatest movie ever made. And I suddenly realized the movie perfectly symbolized how I felt about Fallout New Vegas. Road House is basically about Patrick Swayze being a total badass. He's in a strange town, knows nobody, and everybody wants to kick his ass. He always comes out on top, yet whenever he wins a fight he turns around and meets more assholes who are tougher and more prepared and more pissed off that want to kick his ass. 

But really, what kind of game throws around the name New Vegas (the post-apocalyptic equivalent of what remains of Las Vegas) and keeps you going for hours without even being in New Vegas? It's like the TRON Movies -- Two movies named after a character named Tron yet you almost never see Tron in the movies. Like seriously, what is up with that shit?