Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Giants RB Brandon Jacobs Tells Media to F Off

On Monday after being eliminated from making the playoffs on Sunday, RB Brandon Jacobs, who has had a rocky recent two years with the Giants, put all his stuff in a black garbage bag and walked out of the locker room, but not before leaving his mark with the media.

The media was getting all around him asking him questions and being a bunch of d bags as always, so Jacobs told them off finally. 
Click, click, click," he shouted at the crowd. "You're all taking pictures of Brandon Jacobs leaving, wondering if he's ever going to return. That will be your caption for tomorrow. Well, [expletive] you all."
 Good for him. It's about time a player finally said what was on his mind. The damn media being all nosy and the worst part is this is New York... the Media probably was GOING to make that a headline for Wednesday's newspaper or something. Jacobs stopped it though in shear brilliance. Say something like that to the media and they practically cannot make that a headline the next day otherwise they look even worse than they did before. Reverse psychology. What a genius. Kudos to you Mr. Earth. Now figure out how to hold onto the ball and maybe I'll keep the Jacobs jersey I have.

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