Wednesday, February 9, 2011

People are Disgusting

ESPN - The NFL has offered money, tickets, merchandise and more to roughly 400 fans who had to give up their seats at the Super Bowl. It might not be enough.
Approximately 1,000 fans sued the NFL, the Cowboys and owner Jerry Jones on Wednesday saying they were deceived by not getting seats or received inadequate seats. The federal lawsuit, filed in Dallas, alleges breach of contract, fraud and deceptive sales practices.
"We think that this is a pretty straightforward matter," said Michael Avenatti of Eagan Avenatti which is representing the fans, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "People did not obtain what they were told they were going to get."
The lawsuit seeks $5 million in actual damages for the plaintiffs -- but that number can be tripled under the state's trade law -- and unspecified punitive damages, according to Bloomberg.
The league initially said Monday those fans would get $2,400 -- three times the face value of the ticket -- and tickets to next season's Super Bowl. The fans also were allowed on the field after the game and given merchandise and food.
On Tuesday, the NFL added a second option: They can choose to attend any future Super Bowl instead of being limited to the 2012 game and receive round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations. If fans choose that option, they will not get the $2,400. They can wait until after the conference championship games each season to see whether their favorite team reaches the Super Bowl.
If fans choose the first option of next year's game plus the $2,400, the ticket is transferable, which means it can be sold on the secondary ticket market. It won't be transferable in the other option.
Some fans who were moved want compensation as well. Mike Dolabi said that when he paid for his seat license at Cowboys Stadium, he was promised "the best sightlines in the stadium" for the Super Bowl, according to Bloomberg.
Instead, some fans received "temporary metal fold-out chairs" in an attempt to break the Super Bowl attendance record, according to the complaint.
"The NFL and Jerry Jones sold something to fans they weren't able to deliver, and they knew they weren't able to deliver it," Avenatti said, according to Bloomberg.

This is becoming a joke now. They made a mistake, and have offered more than enough compensation for their screw up, and yet the fans still want to suck more money from the NFL and the Cowboys.  I mean holy shit, Triple the value of the tickets refunded, they were allowed on the field afterwards and were given merchandise and food, AND are being given free tickets to next years Super Bowl.

Take your goddamn PROFIT from their mistake and let it go already. I honestly hope at this point the NFL and the Cowboys win the lawsuit and the greedy fans get nothing.

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